A few thoughts from someone with a foot in both camps right now (Cingular 3125 WM Smartphone + Sprint PPC-6700 with data plan only)...
I would like to converge sometime soon on a single GSM device, and I have really had the hots for the E-Ten X800. But after seeing reports early on that it would have US 3G support, I am now troubled that pdabd is now showing no US 3G (the only UMTS band they are showing is 2100). So this is giving me pause for the moment - hope this info on pdadb is inaccurate!
Another one I have been tracking is the Toshiba G900 - really liking that sick display and trick biometrics. But once again, seems that the US bands of interest have disappeared from pdadb (even GSM 850). Guess I'm gonna have to keep tracking these two until we see definitive specs...
I have also been keeping a keen eye on the upcoming HTC Nike (don't know if you have checked that one out - if not, maybe worth a look on pdadb). Seems like HTC isn't too keen on higher res displays like some of the other players, but I think this one has some other intriguing specs and features (HSUPA... hmmm... Numeric keypad on WM6 Pro... hmmm). And of course, the HTC Kaiser is looking very interesting too, and the iMate Ultimates look great...
But if you want a good solution that you can get your hands on today, I think that the HTC Trinity is still worth a look. You mentioned a lack of WM6 and GPS - but the Trinity community over at xda-developers is really robust, and they seem to have all kinds of great ROMs available with internal GPS enabled and/or WM6 and/or both. You might want to check out their forums for Trinity if you haven't already...
I've come close to pulling the trigger on a Trinity a few times, but just don't have a pressing need to converge right now, so hanging tight for the moment...
Thanks for your organizational efforts on the unified ROM!