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Old 10-27-2008, 10:18 PM
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Re: Brand new Touch... what to do with it?

Originally Posted by lifeissomething View Post
So I just got a verizon touch brand new. Shelled out the whole 199.99 for the thing after I lost my 6700. I messed around with my 6700 some. I had 6.1 on it and such.

But this thing... it's alright. Right off the bat I'd enjoy a few things:

A decent full keyboard. I used a aquatint's and he had a full horizontal keyboard that automatically switched the orientation. It was pretty nice, but I can't seem to find anything like that around.


Bluetooth object transfer.

A decent video player? TCPMP? WMP mobile codecs for flac?

I don't know, I'm kind of an idiot. What would you do with a shiny new touch?
Don't worry we have a few idiots here. Before we can help you we need to know how much of an idiot you are. Do you know how to flash the latest ROM onto your Vogue? Do you like doing a little research? Ever installed custom ROMs onto a PDA? Tell us how much you know and then we can help you turn that shiny new touch into a rusty old one.
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