So, I offended alot of people with my last post and I just wanted to set expectations for some who think that the Touch Pro is going to be mounds of improvement over the mogul.
I decided to visit xda's Touch Pro forums for the first time (always spend my time with mogul). And well, what I saw was shocking, cause from the way people here praise the Touch Pro for fixing all the Mogul issues, which is why they are "OWED" a free Touch Pro, I find quite the opposite.
This does extend on my beleif that way to many people are trying to take advantage of the minor issues the mogul had and trying to get a free TP off them.
SO... Those of you who fall into these issues below, it seems you can expect them in the "Stock TP" also. Cause that was your basis of complaint last time, so I'd assume no rom cooking for you.
1) Bluetooth issues exist.
2) GPS issues exists.
3) Messaging issues.
4) Notification issues.
5) Active Sync issues.
6) Keyboard issues.
7) Sound issues.

Battery issues. No link.
9) Battery charging issues.
10) Reception issues.
11) This guy has "Baffels" of issues.
12) Clock issues.
13) Resposiveness issues.
14) A whole bunch of other issues (some have fixes).
I'll stop here, as I am just trying to make a point. The touch pro will have issues as the mogul has issues. Those that believe they are "owed" a new phone (this really gets me for people who went mogul > diamond > now trying to ***** thier way into a TP), because the "Mogul" was a complete piece of crap... Obviously hasn't really dealt with any other Windows Mobile device.
Guys, these aren't little phone design to make calls and a few other things. These are mini computers whose market and design is still relativly new. I didn't want to knock the Touch Pro, as even I am waiting eagerly for it to be released, I just wanted to get my point across because I've heard it way to often that the "Touch Pro WILL NOT be a complete saviour of the Mogul. It will fix some issues, but in doing so, others will arise."
Now, before you say "Thats the not the CDMA version", or whatever you wish to argue with. Do you REALLY think Sprint is going to have all these issues resolved?
Only time can tell, but my bet is if the TP came out today, and ALL the issues were resolved, and a new phone came out in 6 months... The same issue with everyone trying to get thier story of complaining what a POS the TP was would still exist.
So with this post, buyer beware, the Touch Pro WILL have issues.