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Old 10-18-2008, 06:21 PM
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Question Using the HTC Audio Manager as an embeded player on the Touch Cube

Ill start by saying I've been lurking on the site for nearly a week now, learning alot about how I want to use this phone (Sprint HTC Touch), and after several application trys and resets im getting a firm idea of what im looking for and thanks to countless posters here I understand how to incorporate everything I want, well almost.

The last peice of the puzzle im looking to put into play is the embedded audio player (not just a shortcut to the app) that is usable from the 3 app side of the cube, as I understand this is a normal feature of the classic release of the phone.

In this post

The poster answerers another member with the same question as I, I am running WM6.1 and fear this may be why im not seeing the touchflo options that he is speaking of. I've found a .CAB file for a package taking the cube back to "stock" settings which I feel will be best to start with a platform that ALLREADY has the player embedded then I can make my changes piece by piece around it. The CAB does not work due to the fact the files cannot be overwritten (Touch Commander is great, but will not dictate authorizations for a .CAB install)

Is there a way to overcome this?


Is there any steps I can take to embed this player into the cube?

Out of all the forums for support on these phones the members here seem to be the most proactive and consice poster base in the field, will send moneys or free cyb0rs, prz help!

Last edited by chunternine; 10-18-2008 at 06:24 PM.