Originally Posted by bjaardker
So I'm not sure how it happened, but i've lost all audio notifications for my text messaging. I'm suspecting that it happened when I removed the outlook e-mail from my registry. I'm hoping someone can help.
I spent hours tonight searching and trying to figure out why I haven't been receiving test message notifications on my Vogue in the past few days... and then I landed on your post.
Sure enough, it was because I removed Outlook E-Mail from my registry!!!!
I added it back in (by exporting the key from another Windows Mobile device), and now I've got all my text message notifications back!!!
Stick the following text into a text file and save it with a .reg extension (e.g. call it "ActiveSync.reg"). Transfer it to your phone, then open it with your choice of file manager to import it into your registry. Reset your phone and you should be good to go.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"FriendlyName"="Outlook E-mail"