Originally Posted by kingabraham3
like John McCain says, talk softly, carry a big stick. I have now officially returned my Diamond and reactivated my Touch.
You used the quote, so i couldn't help myself. Way doesn't everyone just relax, you guys are arguing about the same product....HTC. Ever unit has advancements over the previous, that much we can all agree on. Ever unit released is a set forward. If you feal that enough steps forward have not been made to your liking, then just keep the device you have and wait for the on you want. Those of us that move forward, thats because we found something we liked over what we had. We are all different, so lets just all get along. Were all HTC users and a part of this community
Speak softly with respect and admiration, other will respect your words, need not fear you. Thus never having a produce the BIGGER STICK