Originally Posted by jethro_static
I don't need to find 100 people to prove it. They are already here telling U that they will hold out for the HD if it's coming.
How about I give U a challenge. Find 100 people that will still buy the diamond even if they know that the HD is coming to their carrier.
ur business 101 is absolutely a no no. LMAO. u try that strategy on ur business, U will drop like hot potato. When u have a business, U don't wanna compete. U wanna dominate the game. business hates competition.Only consumer likes competition because prices go lower. To dominate the game, U should think of something that nobody has done before. then U get everybody. if ur entering the market that is been dominated by a certain product, Expect that U will never get a hundred percent. U will only get a part of the whole sales. People that ditch the dominating product, Those are the only people that will buy to U. U will end up like instinct. instinct is already doomed way before it's release. Why? because it's the same time iphone 3g will be released.
Fact of the matter is that we get wrapped up in this forum and forget about the real world. The opinions on this forum are pretty far from the real world. I have never ever met anyone out in public that was into modding these phones like we are....ok, one guy...and I work with him.
How many people have you seen with a Mogul, Touch or iPhone that actually took the time to figure it all out and install 3rd party apps and customize it the way we do? 99.9999% of the time I see moms, dads and dumb kids that bought the phone just because they were told it's the coolest phone. Think outside this forum. That's the point I'm trying to make when I challenge you to find 100 people on this forum. How many Moguls, MDAs, Tilts, Touchs and Diamonds has HTC sold in America to date? Take a 100 from each of those phones and see if it really makes any impact? See if 500 phones collectively (spread out over 5 models) is enough to persuade HTC to re-develop and make adjustments for the US Market.
How the hell do you figure the Instinct is doomed? Dude, everyone and their maid has an Instinct. I see nearly as many Instincts as iPhones...nearly. They are all over the place...mainly due to heavy, heavy marketing. I can't even remember the last time I saw a Mogul...much less a Touch or dare I say, even a Diamond.