Re: HTC Touch HD 480x800 WVGA! Look out Touch Pro!
I would have held off buying a Diamond for a Touch HD...the only reason I bought a Diamond was because of post like these suggesting it would'nt be released in the US...that's 1 and counting...
Last edited by reekolu; 10-08-2008 at 03:21 AM. |
Re: HTC Touch HD 480x800 WVGA! Look out Touch Pro!
im holding off on the touch pro now as well. waiting for whatever to come next after seeing the touch hd. i still think its a marketing scheme and will be release in the beginning of next year.
Re: HTC Touch HD 480x800 WVGA! Look out Touch Pro!
Releasing a phone in the US costs HTC a load of money. It's usually a hefty hardware redesign, both internal and external as seen with the sprint/verizon diamond and pro. That cost probablly gets pa ssed onto the carriers and customers eventually though. We know they started working with sprint on the pro as early as April from that leaked document, and likely a good amount of time before it was leaked too. And from the US carriers perspective some suggested they would hold off on the HD and release it later so they don't compete with other phones. I could understand that if they had an exclusive it, but in the US market it's almost always a race to see who releases first. They rarely hold back phones that will not be exclusively released because the competition may choose not to wait. If Verizon came out with the HD first you can bet that people interested in it would leave sprint to get the device they want. (or vice versa) I may be wrong, but my guess is that HTC didn't think the US demand for the HD would be worth all the time and money required for a launch in the US. Hopefully the twitter response and blog coverage will sway them to change their minds or fast track another device for our market. |
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Re: HTC Touch HD 480x800 WVGA! Look out Touch Pro!
were americans!! we consume more than the average human, give us what we want!! ![]() |
Re: HTC Touch HD 480x800 WVGA! Look out Touch Pro!
Plain and simple it boils down to the damn diamond. If it were not for the Diamond we would probably see this phone. IF THIS WAS RELEASED THEY WOULD NOT SELL ANOTHER DIAMOND!. Its the same thing with a bigger screen and like all Americans we think bigger is always better so everyone will pick the HD. It would have to have been within 50 bucks of each other so price would not have been the issue. It would be like the carriers having thrown away all development money spent on the Diamond. Plus people like us would demand a keyboard version too!
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Re: HTC Touch HD 480x800 WVGA! Look out Touch Pro!
We understand. Just don't go extreme do do it. |
Re: HTC Touch HD 480x800 WVGA! Look out Touch Pro!
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Re: HTC Touch HD 480x800 WVGA! Look out Touch Pro!
How about I give U a challenge. Find 100 people that will still buy the diamond even if they know that the HD is coming to their carrier. ur business 101 is absolutely a no no. LMAO. u try that strategy on ur business, U will drop like hot potato. When u have a business, U don't wanna compete. U wanna dominate the game. business hates competition.Only consumer likes competition because prices go lower. To dominate the game, U should think of something that nobody has done before. then U get everybody. if ur entering the market that is been dominated by a certain product, Expect that U will never get a hundred percent. U will only get a part of the whole sales. People that ditch the dominating product, Those are the only people that will buy to U. U will end up like instinct. instinct is already doomed way before it's release. Why? because it's the same time iphone 3g will be released. case and point. build a business selling sports shoe. see how NIKE murder ur business. LOL Last edited by jethro_static; 10-08-2008 at 07:02 PM. |
Re: HTC Touch HD 480x800 WVGA! Look out Touch Pro!
reading about the whole issue here. I am thinking of a new theory. The 4 juggernaut in the U.S. Sprint,Verizon,T-mo and At&t. Looks like none of them will allow the HD to come in. why?
Sprint- will compromise the sales of some of their phones esp. The Diamond.touch pro will not be affected that much coz of the keyboard that businessmen needs. But will still take an effect on sales. Verizon- If sprints Diamond will be compromised, their crippled Diamond will be murdered. Plus the fact that they have exclusivity with the BB storm. They cannot gamble with the HD. If U don't know, Verizon made a deal with RIM for Storm's exclusivity. They have to sell at least 6 million handsets. If they don't make that quota, RIM will give it to other carriers too. T-mo- ohh their pride and joy. G1 sales will be compromised. At&t- Their beloved Iphone. Not that the sales will go down, Obvioulsy they sold a lot already, The fact that every iphone3g they sold, comes with 2 year contract just last july. So who can buy an HD on a full price without the leverage of 2 year contract. Come to think of it, U.S. jaggernaut did not show HTC love for the HD that is why there is no plan on coming here. In other words, U.S. carriers did not show interest on the handset. this is all an speculation guys. Don't need to get nasty here. The fact that HTC's reason is "by the time we could bring Touch HD to the states, it would be old news". meaning that the time they convert the handset to be operable to the U.S., it will not be advanced anymore. LOL. makes me think 2 things. 1st, if they say that the time they convert it there is already something better. What is that something better? hmmmm. people thought that it will be here by summer 2009 based on how it supposed t be. Q2 09 is tegra's expected release. is that what they mean? 2nd, Why they say by the timeit comes here bla bla bla. it's always been like that. GSM 1st then cdma after few months. That is not new. that reason is really odd.well. whatever the outcome is. we just play the waiting game. Last edited by jethro_static; 10-08-2008 at 06:43 PM. |
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