10-03-2008, 01:21 AM
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Re: Finally sprint agree to swap me from 6800 to touch pro when it release.
Originally Posted by techtech
After couple email complaining problem with 6800 sprint finally agree to swap me touch pro with no charge.
Dear ABC,
Thank you for contacting Sprint. I'm sorry for the trouble you faced due to the handset issue.
HTC Touch Pro will be available Oct. 19, 2008 (anticipated launch date) for $299.99 with a two-year contract and after a $100 mail-in rebate. We can exchange the handset once we are aware about the retail price of the handset. So, we can offer you HTC PRO once the price is known.
However, I can offer you HTC Diamond free of cost. We will send you the return kit for your current handset that is HTC Mogul. Once you receive the return kit in 3-5 days, simply send the current handset in the return kit to the address mention on the kit.
The total charge of the HTC Diamond will be billed to the account.
However, your account will be automatically credited back as soon the returned handset is received back in our warehouse.
So, by this your account will be charged for $549.99 and will be credited also for $549.99 hence, this would nullify the account for the same.
If you wish to accept this offer then, please reply to this e-mail we will issue the return kit
I have forwarded this request to the appropriate department and they will get back to you in 48 hours and please be assured that the representative will surely resolve the issue to your satisfaction.
If there is anything else I can assist you with, please feel free to write to us. We are here for you. Thank you for emailing us.
Customer Service Specialist
Dear EFG
Thanks for your offer, I am truly appreciated.
But I would rather to wait diamond pro to come out since I use keyboard so much on the text message and e-mail.
Am I able to get a same offer once diamond pro become available in the market?
Dear ABC,
Thank you for your reply.
Yes, the offer will remain same if you want to have the HTC Touch Pro instead of Diamond phone. So, once the HTC Touch Pro get launched, reply along with this email. We will send the return kit for the current phone.
Thank you again for contacting Sprint. We appreciate your business.
Customer Service Specialist
It sounds good...are they really going to do that.
What does this have to do with upgrading our Titans? Nothing. Should have posted this in the main forum. Sorry to ***** but its a waste of time and screen space when posts are not in correct forums.
Thank you for listening to _my_ opinion.