Originally Posted by quiqnezz
Thanks to all who have helped out. This is a great write up and with a few more minor details added to simplify it, it would be even better. Still appreciate the time you took to write it up.
I finally got my first custom ROM on my mogul and i'm loving it. Guess in a few days or so when I some free time i'll get my feet wet into the cooking process.
Glad this guide helped, thats why GaMedic created it
In regards to the 'improvements' that you speak of, could you provide a more detailed explanation of what you would change/add and why/how you would change it, then i'm sure GaMedic will gladly review your feedback and either update the guide to provide a more concise understanding to the n00bz or respond to your constructive criticism with an explanation of why there is no need for an update...