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Old 09-25-2008, 07:44 PM
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Re: Meet the T-Mobile G1

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
How about if sprint doesn't? U will not jump? I guess android is not worth it huh?
i would never jump to any carrier because of a phone/os. sprint is by far the best service in my area, not to mention the amazingly cheap phone plan. nothing is worth leaving sprint. i see what you're trying to argue and it's not working. a better example would be to say, "if sprint had the iphone, an android phone, a top notch palm phone, an htc touch pro/diamond, which would you choose?" i'd easily choose android.

you cant say "android isnt worth it, wah wah i win." t-mobile ISNT worth it. leaving a cheap plan ISNT worth it. you'd have to be a moron to leave a sprint sero plan just for a phone or OS. you're trying to "diss" the android when in fact its the most innovative o/s to come out for a phone since apple introduced the iphone. like someone mentioned earlier, truly open source = endless possibilities.
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