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Old 09-25-2008, 05:15 PM
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Do you want a CDMA HTC Touch HD to be made?

If you too would like to see a Touch HD developed for CDMA, then please sign this petition:

I setup the petition to keep your information anonymous. The only person I would share this information with is Sprint directly. I have been corresponding with one of the Executives about the Touch HD. He confirmed that they don't have the Touch HD in their sights and he said that Petition is a great way to convince him and the product development team that there is demand for a device. He pointed out that he had seen a petition for the Mogul and used that to put pressure on the development team.

Jerry Adriano from Sprint said:

"A petition may be more effective and last year there was one that was created by Mogul users. Once the creator of the petition sent me the link, I was able to get our product team engaged and provide them the visibility. You are also welcome to give out my email address.


He has agreed to listen. We, the people who would buy the Touch HD CDMA, just need to speak. Please take a moment to sign. It couldn't hurt.
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