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Old 09-18-2008, 06:49 PM
bazil.atfx's Avatar
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Direct Push is really not Direct Push

I am not sure if I am the only one having this problem, but here it goes

Sprint Touch
HTC Rom: 3.03.651.4
Radio: 3.42.30
Windows Mobile 6.1

Exchange 2003 with SP2

Ever since I had the device, my email is delayed for up to 40-50 minutes at times. I have co workers on the same mail server, other windows mobile devices, both on Sprint with the same rate plan and their mail is up to date.

as an example, if I delete an item on device, 30 minutes can go by before the device does a sync.

it appears that the UDP messages from exchange are not being read correctly, or the device is simply not trying.

I have read a few threads from Exchange admins who had mentioned it is a device issue, but I am curios if there is any reg hack that may resolve this.
