Originally Posted by k000
Sorry for being dense - how is it different from say another Diamond themed ROM ?
firstly its NOT a diamond based rom but a Manila2D based UI (ripped from the new HTC Opal phone)
Its a slimmed down, fast custom ROM rather than alot of them that are bloated with tons of stuff leaving you with the decision - use a slimmed down one like this leaving you lots of free space and install the extras you want/need or find a full ROM and still end up installing the items you dont want just so you can uninstall them afterwards to free up space
As with any custom ROM there is a certain amount of fixes and tweaks you the end user need to be aware of and do yourself especially with Manila2D whcih is more an alpha release rather than a beta where things are mostly stable with a majority of it
This ROM thus far is very usable even with the Manila2D interface with only a few issues (and subsequint fixes thus far - see my previous post of a review of sorts)
but as with anything custom you are thinking of doing to YOUR phone - be patient and take your time in selecting a ROM as doing so can screw up your phone if you or the chef isnt careful - read, ask and read some more and then when your ready to move ahead, go back and read some more LOL
Detroit Doug