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Old 09-16-2008, 02:40 PM
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reasons to upgrade my Titan to the Touch Pro!

so my Titan has been getting on my nerves. i rarely ever use it for anything other then making calls, texts, and wmwifirouter.

im on my second mogul and the memory is just killing me! sprint is releasing their Touch Pro in Oct and i need more excuses to tell Sprint to upgrade me to a Touch Pro. i'll even extend my contract if thats what it takes, but my current one doesnt expire until June 09.

this could also serve as reference for other users too

so what should i tell them?

PS. i'll update this thread accordingly and i am currently using DCD 2.1


1. Memory issue makes phone almost unusable after opening a couple apps
2. Lack of basic features such as Sprint TV and MMS
3. Insurance claim
4. White spots due to bad ROM flash (kind of dishonest, but yea....)
-{ Moto v620 > HTC G3 Wizard > HTC Titan > HTC Diamond > HTC Touch Pro > HTC Touch Pro 2 > HTC EVO 4G }-

Last edited by blazin-asian; 09-16-2008 at 04:01 PM.
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