I remember a thread, that I can't seem to find, about people playing xbox-live over the ppc on 3 bars.
I also played FFXI for the longest time over the sprint/6700 with full bars.
Only problem was, after hours and hours of gaming, my stuff would get really hot.
Unless the Wii (in the future) will support bluetooth PAN networks, it's not likely to work. Unless you can get your phone to act as a WiFi access point and NAT it over EVDO, I don't think such an application exists, but I remember a discussion about it a while back and it didn't surface after that.
I think there was a program written that would create a wireless access point with the ppc, and then let you share Evdo with wireless, but I remember there being some problem with it.
Scheme211, which server did/do you play on? I was on Alexander.