Re: SMS from PC to many phones?
for the reply to be of any use it has to be right back to email.
The only people that will be looking at the phones will be field agents. At the main office we'll only be checking email and phone "calls" made to the main phone system. We can't have people checking cellphones "in" the main office for replies. It's too hard to audit.
Anyway, do you know if there is a limit to how many of these thing we can send out? Because we have about 100 field agents at any given time that need to get messages sent to them. Currently we are emailing and faxing everything to them. We have a whole department that does little else but coordinate the main office/database with the agents. This will probably be higher volume then most users.
I wouldn't be surprised if we sent about 50 SMS messages a day like this... perhaps more because of the message size limitations forcing us to break a longer message up into chunks.