Originally Posted by milfbrock
yeah im a noob with this phone, i want wm6.1 and i dl the compressed file on my laptop syncd my ppc6700 up to it and copied the file and put it in my storage card n my phone, nothing happened, what do i do fellow ppc'rs?
First, welcome here.
Second, you have much to learn. The kitchen is the program that installs the OS on your phone, not activesync and your storage card.
http://ppckitchen.org/ Go here. Download the kitchen and run the installer on your PC.
Read the instructions and get familiar with the process BEFORE you do anything, or you'll wind up with a fancy paperweight that used to be a phone. Use the search tab (right under the device pictures, second from right) when you get stuck. Hint: GAMedic has written a how-to-flash guide. Search for that, and you'll get all the info you need to accomplish the process.
Last: I and others here are willing to help but you gotta meet us halfway and research and learn to avoid getting flamed for posts such as this. Study up, use the tools here and if you get stuck let us know.
Former Windows Mobile enthusiast and developer, now a modder working on Android. I still have my PPC 6700 and HTC Touch, but I'm rocking a OnePlus 7 Pro