Originally Posted by fyyzer
I'd like to burn Storyr's excellent Weatherpanel theme, PhatPhingerII and associated icons, into a ROM but I'm not sure how Weatherpanel would handle this. WeatherPanel is very old and has been patched together to work over the years. Typically it stores themes in the Program Files/Marsware/Themes folder but it can also access it via a storage card location of Storage Card/WeatherPanel/Themes.
The theme files and icons can be found here
I don't want to waste your time for a "one off" but at first glance does this look like something you could achieve? I haven't tried creating my own OEM's yet but probably could fumble my way through it.
The secret to doing these themes? You gotta use all the tools. And for some reason when you OEM a skin, it never seems to get put into the right directory...This will set you on the path while I do my other project...I did a massive skin for fredcatsmommy, once I fingered out the info below, it took me no time.
What I did was:
1. used ervius's to break up the .cab file into files.
2. Installed the .cab file.
3. The I opened up file explorer to my device.
4. Skins for weather panel install into a couple different directories. I used OEMizer and copied the files out of the OEM I made for WP root. Then you select those files and edit the directory. Then do the same for the others. (The trick is to have OEMizer create the initflashfiles.txt for you)
5. Create the OEM with OEMizer.
6. Copy the OEMizer initflashfiles.txt into the first OEM you made.
Then clean it up!
That's the labor saving part. If you have any troubles, let me know!