Originally Posted by bwhite4801
This is a question to anyone that can answer. What are the odds that sprint will release the phone on September 2nd, but only through telesales and business customers? And this will be followed with a full launch in mid-September??
Maybe I'm just thinking out loud, dunno
Originally Posted by frentraken
Said it twice now official Sprint release info handed to us in customer care show's diamond is not set for sept 2nd at all will probably come mid month would be my guess though.
youre getting bad official info
Originally Posted by dcyoungin9
We suggested the CDMA version of the Touch Diamond had eaten all the pies last week: Now word is out on its release and Sprint and HTC have chosen not to disguise it. Oh no... they've dolled that large rear-end up in a striking red color. Bizarre, though I guess its in the "if you can't hide it, make a feature of it" school of thinking. We can at least partly forgive its 0.55-inch depth, though, which is due to a 1350mAh battery. It's due out August 28th on Sprint, costing $549 for the bare phone, and $299 on a two-year contract. [ Unwiredview via NewLaunches]
10:11 AM on Tue Aug 26 2008
giz didnt do their homework. that article ultimately leads back to the same phonearena article engadget linked to a ways back, which has been updated again to reflect sept 2.