08-20-2008, 12:45 PM
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Re: Just how tough IS the Sprint Touch?
Originally Posted by TheHoard
Hey all, I just recently had an interesting experience to share with everyone. Monday evening I was at work and I was playing with my phone (like every other night  ) and as I went to put it back into the holster, it slipped out of my hand and fell approximately 15-18 feet onto a hard cement floor.
!@)&*!!!!, I thought to myself. I looked down and saw that the back cover had popped off and the battery fell out as well, so it was laying in 3 pieces on the floor. I expected the worst as I went down to pick it up, but the screen was still intact (no cracks at all), so I put it back together, turned it on, and voila! It still worked! I was thoroughly impressed to say the least. I thought for sure having fell that far and landing on a hard surface it would be broken, but it appears as if no damage has been done at all, save for a small scuff on the corner of the casing where it must have landed.
Has anyone else had any close calls or thought they had destroyed their HTC Touch? I wonder how much this thing can really take before throwing in the towel.
lol i can drop my htc touch on carpet and it will fall into 3 parts like you described...other than it seeming to explode into 3 parts after droppping it, the unit is very sturdy..wish the battery back stayed on tighter though...