Originally Posted by Yay 4 Juggs
it tried it...then tried using build os.exe and it just kept crashing (windows vista ultimate)
Well not sure if Vista is your issue (running XP), but i haven't tested this thoroughly (see my last post) but i was able to 'throw in' SBR_L3GION's ROM and have dogguy's kitchen generate new ROM, OEM, and SYS folders... next step will be to grab a copy of ppcgeeks_OEM and then run buildos (but alas, i wont be able to test that until later, gotta get some work done)
Originally Posted by DerekV
This step prepares input.nbh for customizing, its going to delete the ROM OEM and SYS folders and make new ones based off the ROM prepit.bat is preparing (so if you want to keep the originals make a copy). This should take a few minutes to complete.
Now that prepit.bat has run, its time to add OEM's to your OEM folder. Just unRAR PPCGeeks_OEM.rar or Alex's rar to \DogGuy Kitchen\OEM\ .
The next step is to run buildos.exe.
*edit* I did complete the process successfully w/out PPCGeeks_OEM.rar (of course the resulting nbh rom file is the exact same size and no different than the donor ROM) but I ran it thru just to make sure it would work...