Originally Posted by _burn_
You know what. Reading some of the things on this thread, I'm f-n IRATE. I'm with sprint and ive had insurance for two years. I've gotten THREE broke-*** "refurbished" 6700's. The first had a broken, useless "joystick", the second dropped calls and wouldn't ring until the last ring, it was slow, and i couldn't get it activated to save my life. The third wouldn't sync-up and did the same thing with the ringer. This is also the phone I'm currently using. I want to try to fuss sprint out, get a month free (from all the bullsh$% i have to deal with to use the phone), and then call asuron *sp and bitc^ until i get a 6800. I am seriously ready to throw this phone against a wall and get a nokia
the only time you should ever deal with asurion is if you loose or abuse the phone. if it's simply a refurb or assembly issue, walk it into a (corp/repair) store... $4 of your $7 TEP is for sprint's repair/replace. even if they don't have a "comparable" phone in stock, have the store order it.
also, a little tip for ya.... don't swear, whine, or tell them how long you've been a customer, bla bla bla, they can see your entire history when they pull up the account.. keep it simple and polite.