Two problems....
I have two problems that I am not sure how to fix....before I begin....YES, I did try to do a search -- if I would have found an answer, I would not ask it again here......NO, I have not tried a HARD reset yet....and NO I really don't want to HARD reset if I do not have to...
PROBLEM 1: After a SOFT reset, many times I get ewrrors that various things could not is dofferent each time...and it is not every time...the stuff that is supposed to be laoding is in MAIN memory and NOT on an SD card....any ideas?
PROBLEM 2: Several times during the day, my sound will go out. It will be working fine and then just stop sound at all. If I reset, the sound returns, but then I have to suffer through problem #1.
Please help!
I have run both SKTools and MemMaid to make sure that everything is cleaned up....
Thanks in advance!!!!
Scott A. Roberts