Ever since I installed the official, leaked WM 6.1/RevA upgrade to my
phone, the
data connection has been acting strange. If I go into an area where I have no connection (like an elevator), when I get back into a covered area, the data connection doesn't seem to restart automatically. The only thing I have found that fixes it is to go into Comm Manager and turn the airplane mode on and then back off, and that seems to reset the data connection. By the way, when I go to the Comm Manager when my Touch is doing this, the Data Connection is greyed out so that I can't turn it on or off. After I turn the airplane mode on then off, it comes back on.
This is a serious pain. It keeps the phone from getting weather updates, sync'ing with my Exchange
server, and a bunch of other things. Any idea on what to do to fix this? It almost as though I need to get the data connection to be able to turn itself on on its own.
Also, any idea why I have no data connection in areas where I can receive
phone calls and SMS messages without issue? Does the data connection require a better signal?