Originally Posted by knewBee4lyfe
its been a while...
and I basically got the gist of most of things by reading for hours on end.
but... there are some things I just cannot find out... and I've read that some people don't get it either but they just run programs trying to figure out what it does, or what it is.
but anyways... we need an update on what certain terms or words or numbers or acronyms.
like these?
build vs kitchen
(I think I know what those are but what I'm trying to clarify with this is, since builds are actually put together by more registry savvy individuals, would they be more stable than kitchens? are kitchens less stable bc you get to choose which programs go into the system and some times things need to be done to make sure all programs run properly?)
builds vs roms.
5067, 5770 and 20226 and 20270
why do some people just update the ruu and not build a whole install program. and if they do update the ruu, where is the install program?
why do some people use olipro unlocker and some people use spl unlocker? and does it matter which one you use?
why does no2chem's builds say nueROM... is it someone else's he's building on?
anyways thats all the questions i can think of now if you have any terns you don't know then put it up here? maybe we can sticky it and update whole lists as we go along... ill do it if it gets big enough.
Wow that's a lot of question
PPST - not sure how to explain this one
SPL - this is your bootloader (can be either stock, olipro, or nueSPL)
radio - this is what you upgrade to get GPS and ReV A
build vs kitchen - build refers to build number in "about" on the OS
kitchen is where you can cook a ROM, for diff builds theres diff kitchens
5067 and 5770 are no2chem's ROMs (he has his own numbering system)
and 20226 and 20270 are builds (taken from other WMDs)
RUU is the ROM Update Utility
Some people use Olipro 2.40, while other use the NueSPL 2.47 -
either can be used, but NueSPL can only be installed from SD Card AFTER you upgrade to GPS Rom
NueRom is what no2chem has chosen to call his ROMs
That's about all the answers i can think of...