Originally Posted by topfuelweimar
I understood from all my reading that there was no "stock" Verizon package that would provide what I watned. By saying "stock" I was trying to describe the end-state of functionality I desire. I am / was hoping maybe someone has created something very, very similar to "stock" but with GPS.
If not, I basically need to use a "kitchen" to build something as close to factory 'stock' as possible?
Hopefully, someone has something nice, neat, and easy that can get me where I would like to be.
Thanks so much in advance.
Yes. Exactly. I recommend trying different ROMs from diff chefs, then checking out the kitchen... Run each ROM for a couple of days or as long as you can stand it... the reason is that each chef generally cooks in their own fav applications/games/etc... For the 'bare-bones' ROM either no2chem or DCD is a good choice, but then again... with the kitchen you pick and choose apps to be included in the ROM, so if you need to hard reset - you dont hafta re-install them... You can prolly achieve your desired result, or at least one close to it... it will just take time and experimenting...