First off, that was
painful to read. Please use paragraphs. I kept losing my place in that huge blob of text.
Anyway, I did finally make it through and it's obvious to me that your phone has a hardware problem. A hard reset should fix any software glitch that the phone could possibly have. The fact that it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't also indicates that the phone's flash ROM is having trouble.
So what you need to do is take it down to the same store, hopefully find the same person so you don't have to explain it all again, and tell him that you did what he asked and flashed the latest ROM and it didn't fix the problem. Show him the screen where NONE shows up for radio ROM. Show him the X in the signal strength icon.
Sprint needs to replace your phone--period. Do not settle for less as there's nothing else that can be done to fix this problem.
Good luck
P.S. Oh, and to be safe make sure you re-flash the latest official Sprint update before you take it down there. If the Sprint rep boots it up and sees a custom ROM from here they could deny you. The latest version can be downloaded at (pick Windows CE from the dropdown list).