I personally believe this is a hardware issue but for sake of covering all bases I am asking you guys..
Ok the story is this( have repeated this story like 100+ times to sprint people trying to get this resolved):
Took my original PPC6700 in to a repair sprint store due to a cracked screen, they swapped it out with another one.. was sending and recieving txt msgs by the time i made it back to the office.. even noticed the sound from the speaker was louder than my original (Great!) and I made a call on the phone (Its LOUDER also!!) Everythings going fantastic!
THEN the call drops.. (Eh bad reception, im in the back of the building I thought) go to call the person back phone shows "Dialing xxx-xxx-xxxx" Hear a click like the phone picked up and was about to dial, but thats it, no dialing nothing just sits there.. I hit the END key and nothing still stuck at dialing.. Only way to get out of that state was to soft reset...
When the phone comes back up the White sprint logo screen with the red text with rom ver etc comes up and "R NONE" comes up.. takes forever and a day to boot, finally comes up and the antenna icon has a "X" cant turn the phone on.. I look under Start > Settings > System > Device Information and the Radio shows NONE PRL and PRI are blank along with my ESN and a couple other things..
Call Sprint, they say ok lets hard reset the phone.. I do.. comes back up same thing Radio NONE.. They have me take the battery out for 30sec.. I do, and put the battery back in and BAM phone back (So i thought).. I make a call to *2 (Customer service) and the voice system answers.. I hang up and the agent tries to call me, I hit answer and the call drops and back to stuck at "Dialing xxx" when I tried to make a call back to CS per thier request. and Soft reset and Radio = NONE again..
they have me try to do a couple of the ##xxxxxx# codes and they dont work.. the ##786# one comes up with the phone needs to be on in order to do that code, rest just sit there waiting for something to happen.. So they tell me hardware most likly, take back to sprint store..
Take the phone back, they say ok will be about 20min.. I sit down and wait.. 2 hours later guy brings back the same phone and tells me "hardwares fine the problem is you need to flash the phone with the newest rom and get the newest radio drivers. We cant do that here but if you have active sync and data cable at home you can.."
Didnt believe him but hey you never know right? so I go home.. I try to flash the phone with the Sprints rom gets to the radio and errors out and trys to run some recovery mode afterwards but crashes.. after about 3 attempts the phone gets stuck at that bootloader screen with backlight off and Serial written at the top. no matter how many times i soft reset or removed battery it was stuck at that screen. But I said hell with it and tried flashing again and HEY it worked flash the radio / extended rom / and os rom.. no problems..
phone boots up, runs sprint custom crap.. and looks good made a bunch of test calls, recieved a bunch of test calls, all seemed well BUT again after about 15min after the last test call phone died again..
I tried Sprints 2.something, tried AKU3.3 and simple and clean 3.5 for sprint.. all 3 roms same deal.. everything pda WM wise works, cell part dead.. in com manager click phone button windows logo spins but goes back to the X and shows the flight mode button lit up.
I call sprint for yet what is like a hundredth time over the course of all this.. and the tech is like um hardware why are they telling you software, if you cant program the phone somethings wrong, they should replace it..
So now I must go back to the sprint store AGAIN.. getting sick of this endless loop, i just want my PPC6700 back in working order

((( If you managed to read thru my mini novel, at this point as many times as ive said it doesnt seem so mini

, whats your take? any things you might think i could try software wise? or is it hardware like the phone techs keep telling me and i should tell the store tech to get off his ass and just fix or replace it? Thanks for reading my rant!