I wanted to discuss this further, but it was getting off-topic in the nueRom report thread, so I thought I'd start a thread on this topic specifically.. (please move if this is the wrong area, but the titans have wifi, soo...)
From the report thread.
Originally Posted by shaggylive
I wanted to get a peltier and come up with a good way to mount it to the phone or vis-versa. my van doesn't have A/C and I always have one phone sitting on my dash running Navizon, using gps, cell, and wifi. hot potato anyone..
Originally Posted by holo
pletiers generate extra heat and unless you are exhausting that heat somehow with a heatsink and/or rapidly blowing air you will end up with an even hotter phone and/or a melted dash.... not to mention you will have to find a way to power hook it up to your car's power....
that's why I havn't done this yet, but I think it would be a decent idea, to prolong the life of our batteries and wifi chips.
I have seen some creations on the web for soda(beer) can coolers that use these, and I acually have an Igloo cooler that uses a peltier.
Ideas please.....