Originally Posted by djwhitey
to get em back go to contacts
then tap menu//options
UNcheck 'Show Alphabetical Index'
then hold down the X to close it
reopen, if it hasn't worked, reenable index, close contacts, open contacts, disable index, close, open... and so on until it does
mine worked first try
That did it. It worked first try. Thank you.
Originally Posted by nxtech3
That should be HTC Random Access. It was supposed to be included, there is a thread talking about the bugs in the new ROM and i think that is one of them. I do know that you have to have a full page worth of contacts before it will show. Ill try and find the thread.
Edit-start reading here:
And always remember, search first, ask second
Thank you for the help.
Just for the record, I did try searching but without the term "HTC Random Access" I was unable to find help with the terms contacts, alphabet, index, etc.