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Old 07-23-2008, 10:49 AM
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Re: Titan 20226 kitchen

Originally Posted by joojoobee666 View Post
NM...FIXED!!!=D> Registry Settings here can be used to fix if anyone else has this problem ->

Quote from page, just use HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\TNETW12511\Parms instead:

"Everything's in the registry, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\tiacxwln1\Parms

dot11PowerMode (0,1,2) - Default 2 - 0 is Continuous Access Mode, 1 is Maximum Power Save, 2 is Fast Power Save
HTCPowerMode (0,1,2) - Default 2 - Same thing, specific to HTC devices?

I changed both to 0 (HTCPowerMode was set to 2, dot11PowerMode was not present) and this fixed my problem with WiFi."
for the past week this rom has been operating far better than no2 5067 but I wa also missing the wireless lan icon. I was able to manage connections with the wifi app but when I power down or hw switch on and off most of the time I would lose connection.... the ap would show at full strength but it would only show 'connecting' and would no longer connect. then after a min or so I would get a cannot connect to the network error message. I tried yur registry fix but no fix. I installed wefi which seems prettty neat and gave me the power management that I lost when wireless lan was dropped off this rom but it still did not fix the prob. I have hard reset and tested several timea and have concluded it is prob this rom.

so does anyone have the same issue or know any remedy?
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