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Old 07-21-2008, 04:10 AM
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This is for Alltel...

First, I'd like to ask for this to pertain to Alltel ONLY. On almost EVERY thread I read that starts dealing with this, someone comes along and says, "Sprint blah, blah, blah, blah...." and it's hijacked and doesn't relate to it any more.


Start to finish:

(Yes, it is enabled)

1) I upgraded to the new ALLTEL ROM Version 3.04.671.2 at

2) Then I went to and it worked!

At some point I soft reset it and Google Maps just searches now....

3) So, not really finding any clear definition on the dll activation/primed/pumped/whatever, I went to and ran

4) No go. Then

Still, no go. Any ideas?

(BTW, I do not have any external GPS anything. It ran just with the phone.)

Thanks a million and hopefully any Alltel users will find a direct answer