Re: Verizon Carrier GPS still not working?
I switched out of Verizon because they take forever to give their customers updates, whether it be with new phones being released (Sprint released the Mogul months before Verizon released the 6800) or for new ROMs to be updated. Wasn't helping I was paying up the wazoo for this kind of service.
As for your GPS problem, in order to get a fix you obviously need to be in the open. Is GPS Viewer returning data or is it not connecting? If it's continously returning "$GPSA,A,1,,,,,,,,,,,," and etc, then it's probably a radio issue and not something with your settings
Try making sure that Location Settings is turned on under Phone settings, Services. Also I have my "manage GPS automatically" turned on. Try to see if that helps.
EDIT: I tried using Holux GPS Viewer with "Manage GPS Automatically" off, and GPS Viewer gives me a COM Port error, so it seems that it's necessary for it to work.
Last edited by Darkjedi; 07-20-2008 at 08:09 PM.