Re: nueROM 2.2 Bleeding Edge General Discussion Thread
Originally Posted by toviaheli
I am still trying to figure out a few things with SaShimi. All-in-All it's a great tool. I wish I knew a way to deal with programs that require user interaction during installation. If I didn't have to click things it would probably take 20 minutes to install everything!
That is the reason for the Manual Auto Mode in Shashimi. Put those Cab files that do require user input into the Manual directory and then run the Manual + Auto selection - takes just a few minutes to go through those that require intervention and then it takes off and finishes on auto-pilot. Shashimi really isn't daunting at all just put your files into the appropriate directory and start tweaking from there. You find yourself getting down to pulling a few inane registry entries just because you can and they are all you have left to play with once everything else gets automated.
Last edited by MN-Joe; 07-18-2008 at 08:56 AM.