Repair Advice: Speaker, Mic, Vibrator
In the space of a week and 2 drops I've lost my speaker, vibrator, mic, and ringer!!!
The earpiece speaker works, but the outer speaker only produces faint clicks and scratches. I've tested the mic by making voice recordings and transfering to PC (no audio), also people calling can't hear anything.
I don't want to bail on this phone yet because Telus has nothing better to offer for me (keyboard, WM, Exchange).
Can anyone give me some guidance on how to attempt a troubleshoot/repair?
Are there people in Toronto repairing these?
Van G
Telus Rhodium - Energy.RHODCDMA.21916.Sense2.5.Cookie.1.8.5.Jul.04 - Radio 1.92.00WV - Voyager 510
Last edited by Van G; 07-11-2008 at 01:23 PM.