alright gents... s2u2 uninstalled... seems this was causing the problem.
Possible solution:
S2U2 power issue in
Q. Some of my device's background jobs (like email sync or bluetooth connection) stopped unexpectedly when S2U2 is running?
A. Try to enable NoPowerSuspend.
Q. What is NoPowerSuspend?
A. There is a few options in S2U2 to set when to suspend your device's power. If NoPowerSuspend is set to 1, these options will all be disabled.
The HKCU\Software\A_C\S2U2 OffLCD and BlankLCD values may be worth a look as well:
OffLCD=17 (x seconds after the backlight is off, device will be turned off; minimum is 5 seconds; 0 to disable)
BlankScreen=0 (when OffLCD is executed, 1 means do not turn off the device but only turn off the LCD)
Setting the above settings:
NoPowerSuspend = 1
OffLCD = 0
BlackScreen = 1
Solved the problem!