Thread: Not fair!!
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Old 06-30-2008, 03:00 AM
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Re: Not fair!!

Originally Posted by psvillars View Post
Hey if you're looking to get an instinct you might check best buy I'm and existing customer with a 2 year upgrade discount and picked up the instinct for 129.99. So far i love it coming from the touch(still have it gave it to my mom) it's a bit of an adjustment because when i finished hacking the touch i had it working pretty good but the instinct does all the things i was looking for without hacking it(gps, music, email) it's got some bugs but the fact that it can be updated wirelessly is a plus all in all if you're not quite happy with the touch or don't feel like re-installing all your software everytime an update eventually makes it's way to the public(i have installed the latest update with gps) then you'll love the instinct.
i work at best buy in the mobile department, and the sale on the instinct will end on wednesday.. so basically you all have 2 days left to get the phone for 129.99.. i sold 5 of em myself today, and one to my gf an her dad yesterday.. been selling that freakin device like water lol.. its nice and all but im not leaving my touch.. but it DEF is a nice phone.. dont down it.. and to the OP.. dude jus flash a new rom an use the gps on that an quit whining
i hate idiots... seriously

samsung 640A --> motorola Q --> sprint touch --> now doin it big with the touch pro... oh so sexy lol