Re: Changing directory on Storage Card for pictures to be taken to
Here ya go. This is an excerpt from the attached file. Other good stuff in there, enjoy!
How to get rid of the DCIM folder and have pictures stored to your storage card under \Storage Card\My Documents\My Pictures:
1. Open up the camera, and press on the 3 bars on the lower right. That should open up the options. The last option will let you pick either main memory, storage card, and bluetooth. hChoose Storage Card and it ok to save. Pictures seemed to be save under \storage card\dcim\100media.
2. To change the path of the saved pictures and video to \Storage Card\My Documents\My Pictures, edit the registry:
- change EnableDCIM from 1 to 0.
Now your pictures will be stored in \Storage Card\My Documents\My Pictures
The problem is the Camera Album won't recognize\My Documents\My Pictures
Rename to \My Documents\_My Pictures
Then in the registry for the camera, have is save to _My Pictures instead of My Pictures
Disable DCIM folder from the registry:
DWORD Value: EnableDCIM
DWORD Data: 0
Allow Date & Time File Name Prefix:
DWORD Value: FilenameType
DWORD Data: 1
Former Windows Mobile enthusiast and developer, now a modder working on Android. I still have my PPC 6700 and HTC Touch, but I'm rocking a OnePlus 7 Pro