I see a lot of cube customizers, but is there a way to REMOVE the cube all together?
I'm planning on using the stripped down JD wm6.1 rom anyways, but I'm wanting to wait about a week or so before doing that as I have a greater then usual dependance on the phone untill then. I havent had this phone for but a couple weeks too, so despite not wanting to flash it yet, I'm still in the playing and tweaking around mode since it is still new to me.
Anyways, I dont use the cube at all. I have voice + data + text but none of the sprint tv and junk like that, nor will I ever use any form of the sprint shopping stuff, or use it as an mp3 player. I also use the regular contact list vs the speed dial buttons on one of the cube faces. Really, about the only 2 buttons I would ever use is the comm manager and internet button....which I can stick on a customized today screen in place of the sprint shortcuts there I think. Everything else I go through the regular windows start bar. That said, I'm sure the cube eats up some resources just being there available, so I would like to get rid of it all together. Is this possible? Or am I SOL untill I flash custom rom since it is part of the factory rom?