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Old 06-18-2008, 04:14 PM
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Re: Mogul vs BlackBerry Curve

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
Ok. U are asking PPC geeks. U wont get any votes for BB. Same aa true if you go to crackberry forums. U wont get a PPC vote. It all comes down to U. It's a user preference. If u ask my take on it, of course WM6 is the shiznit. It's the most superior phone device out there in terms of features and usability. U can do a lot more with WM6 than bb. but like u said, The only things u need is in bb so the ultimate decision is still urs.
jethro's right too though... not to insult you in anyway but if you are a simpler person the touch and mogul are waaaay to much phone for you and you won't enjoy using them.

Case in point my little brother who isn't quite as tech savvy as I am went back to using is his katana <outrage>!!!!!!!!<outrage/> after a few months of using the 6700 (Apache) because it was too complcated for him.

So its really up to you how much tech you like playing with and how much you want to do with a phone.

Blackberry = pretty slick os but not very powerful hardware which means you're not gonna be able to do what...
windows mobile = does hella customization and applications but a bit of a learning curve

treo = DEAR GOD DO NOT GET ONE WITH PALM OS. IT IS ABSOLUTE PURE UNADULTERATED TRASH. Used it for a while in high school and will never purchase ANYTHING from palm.... Ever Again. with that said if it comes with windows mobile on it and you like the form factor of it better than the mogul or the touch go with that

and that is my two cents. thanks for listening

Last edited by williscool; 06-18-2008 at 04:17 PM.
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