Mogul vs BlackBerry Curve
Ok so to make a long story short, I am being forced to bring my mogul into the local repair center AGAIN this weekend. It will most likely end with another replacement (my 3rd already). I am wondering if it would be worth it just saying forget it and switching to a BB Curve? To be honest the only thing I am going to miss about the Mogul is the WM6 but even that, I really do not do to much customization. And the Curve has everything that I am looking for, the QWERTY keyboard, the large screen, the email ability. The only thing it lacks is, again, the WM6 and the slide out design. Even that at times gets annoying I will admit.
So I guess I am only asking your guys opinions. I have ALMOST made up my mind, but I respect the members opinions here.
Also, I have already emailed Sprint throught their website and explained my situation. What is the chance on this working? I have had the Mogul ever since it came out, so the year so the discount is ready to be used. Will Sprint value the request of a loyal customer to switch phones, a much cheaper phone must I add?
If not, any ideas?
First time user of a PPC