Originally Posted by wILLk0r3 818
I'm stuck getting an "error code 680: no dial tone" on my laptop when trying to dial-up to my connection on my 6800. No matter what I do to try and connect, I'm stuck getting this error. I had it working for hours the first time I installed this, although I disconnected and re-connected a couple times to test it out. Please see my post on this problem I'm having. -----> Click here
Try this....and your troubles should go away!! hopefully.
Disconnect USB cable from laptop and Phone.
Reset your phone.
Reboot your laptop.
Within Windows on your laptop, delete your dialup connection you previously created.
Recreate the dialup connection.
Launch Wireless modem on phone. and click menu Start.
Connect USB cable to phone and laptop.
On laptop double click the newly Created "dialup" connection.
Cross fingers!!
If it works, dont forget to hit THANKS!!