sorry guys but I've been very busy lately, havent been here since last week.....I started a new postition @ work, still waiting for my new laptop.
My time is limited also, so if I dont answer your question....dont fret
I probably wont have time to work on any new roms for the next week or so.....I may just wait to see if Sprint releases the new official rom on 6/20.
Originally Posted by goathahalol
Just wanted to thank you for your awesome guide, and your Full Custom Verizon Rom. My friend and I both are running the XV6900 Verizon Touch, and we were able to get our phones running with GPS & Rev a. I havn't tried any other available roms out there yet for my phone but it seems that this one is very stable. My GPS generally takes about 5 minutes to lock on with GPS Viewer if I am outside or sitting still in my car which is okay by me. I actually used a bit of your guide along with dharvey4651's guide and a little deductive reasoning to make it work properly. I hope you don't mind but I plan on writing up a HOW TO explicitly for Verizon Customers and I will be revamping your guide just a bit with a little extra info that would have been nice if I had when I did mine. Once again I would like to thank you for the work that you have put into your Rom's and guide. I think that having GPS totally makes this phone worth having, and rev a is very nice as well.
A quick side question, is there any way to tell if you are running REV A as opposed to EVDO, just by looking at your phone without doing a speed test? I am currently getting around 800 kbps on dslreports mobile test and that just doesn't seem very much faster than it was before the flash. Thanks in advance for any info.
np, good idea for the VZ ppl.
there's no real way to verify rev a except for a speed test.
Originally Posted by SpudNuts11
The ROM is working great now.
I did have a few questions:
1. Why is that nothing shuts down. What I mean is that when I open a program and hit the "X" to close it, it still shows that its open and I have to go through the menu to close it.
2. The phone pad always comes up in the background, not sure why but when i'm done with something and hit the "X", the phone dialer is left on the screen.
3. The quick tabs for contacts disappear. When I first open my contacts, there is vertical list of letters on the right of the screen that I can quickly alphabetically get to a name but after closing the contacts and re-opening contacts, the vertical alphabetical list is gone and it is just a scroll bar. To get it back, I have to through the menus to close out the contacts completely and then re-open.
Look, you guys have done an excellent job and this is small compared to what you have done. It is just an inconvience and if it can't be fixed, its a inconvience that I can live with.
which rom are you using? it sounds like you're using the sprint oem version? if so, the close apps, you have to choose that option in task manager options.
if you're using the custom version, is has QuickMenu, which should already be setup to close all apps w/ the X button.
I'm not sure about the contacts issue, I have seen it once or twice but didnt spend any time on it.
Originally Posted by k000
Do I need 3.37.15 or is 3.37.10 good enough ? And do I have to install the test.exe beforeI install the other OMJ...Sprint GPS instal ?
I would recommend 3.37.15 but .10 should would only need to install the test.ext if you want to upgrade the radio to 3.37.15.
Originally Posted by Archius
There is something wrong with the camera OMJ. Before, with your old ROM without GPS and such it was great and fast like the original oem rom. But with this one now (either sprint or bell, same thing I've used both), when there isn't enough light, the cam is slow and low in FPS, maybe around 5 fps. But when I point it towards light, either inside or outside, it's fast again around 40 fps. As soon as I move away from the light it goes down to 20 fps let's say and then to 5 again let's say. How come? Any regedit tweak ? Anyone else experiencing this?
just tested, I did not see this issue......the camera is all stock changes/tweaks were made.
Originally Posted by houston713
good day, i am currently using your custom rom and wanted to know how do i get sprint music store back on my phone, ive searched numerous files and other phones to see if there were a cab file or something, thanks in advance.
which rom are you using? I though Music was in both sprint roms...