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Old 06-07-2008, 02:42 AM
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Re: Anyone using iGO 8

Originally Posted by bedoig View Post
Edit: On a related note, how well do the high quality voices work for you Vogue users? They cause out of memory errors on my Mogul after a few minutes. The low quality TTS voices work OK, but there is a noticeable difference in audio quality.
bedoig, the high quality voices work just fine on the Vogue with no memory errors. Before I start iGO8, I am at 38MB memory used and after starting iGO8 with hi quality TTS Susan voice, I am using a total of 56MB of memory with 48MB free.

BTW, thank you again for the EnglishUs6.9.lex file. I have been able to modify it further to solve some annoying pronunciation errors. For example, Susan would say "four hundred five" for the 405 freeway instead of 4, 0, 5. I was able to changed the lex file to change the pronunciation of most of the freeways numbered above 100.

"405" = "four oh five"

If anyone is annoyed that the street name is not spoken whenever it is associated with a number, one can modify the lex file to change the number to a more familiar name.
For example:

Lakewood Blvd (19) TTS would says ---> "19" but changing the lex file to:

"19" = "Lakewood Boulevard", TTS will now say Lakewood Boulevard rather than the highway number.

One needs to be careful though. In California, Hwy 1 is the Pacific Coast Highway and when I put the following in the lex file:

"1" = "Pacific Coast Highway", it would work fine when I was on PCH but if any term with "1" needed to be spoken, such as turn right in "1" mile, it would say turn right in "Pacific Coast Highway" mile. LOL.

Last edited by hideffer; 06-07-2008 at 02:46 AM.