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Old 06-03-2008, 04:06 AM
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Re: Get MSL for Verizon phone..GETSPC does not work

The MSL is just the unlock code ... you need it to reset the phone settings. Its usually done as part of a series of steps to get to the GPS promised land.

Why do you need the MSL - which for Verizon is 6 zeros / 000000?

I just went thru all this GetSPC jive etc as well ... u r right getSPC is a dead end for Vzw peeps.

Unless you know what your doing in those settings or someone is guiding you thru there ... just beware, your phone could end up with no internet access or the ability to make calls - like mine was - until I spent an hr on the phone with Vzw tech support getting a new A-Key and installing it, and having them troubleshoot my Internet access password and authorization parameters ... and doing some software upgrades over the air ... Loads of fun.