Originally Posted by fat boy
Is this your way of saying your entitled to your opinion as long as you keep it to yourself. Forms are for sharing information, opinions and insights, hopefully my experience and opinion will help someone. If all you were really looking for is the website than you got it, and you can move along.
Here we go....
Okay, I was in no way trying to imply folks should keep their opinions to themselves, I am aware that this is a FORUM. I was simply saying that I didn't intend to for the thread to be a bashing session, which tends to happen way too often on this site.
As you stated IN YOUR COMMENT...
I will be moving right along, cuz it's not that serious!

...Blade, Treo 700, Mogul, Touch, Mogul, Touch, Instinct, Touch Diamond, Moto Q, Touch Pro, PALM PRE, Palm Pro, TP2, Blackberry Tour, Moto Droid, Sprint EVO, Galaxy Tab (11/14)... Whew...I'm Dizzy!