Originally Posted by clockcycle
Ok further comparison, sorry I don't want to make you guys feel like you have something bad or lesser any more than you might feel already.
I have both and they are ok, nothing to have a fit or worry about really.
But here goes.
My 25-DEC-2007 Alltel screen's colors are MUCH more visiblity vivid and vibrant. It would seem it has more colors than the 17-JAN-2008 Sprint screen. Even though they are spec'd the same.
Just for kicks I was testing out the GPS, my Sprint got 10 Sats in half the time as my Alltel that only got 4-7 fluctuating. I started zooming into satelite view of where I was and noticed... Hey the BROWN roof tops are really brown on the Alltel when compared to the Sprint, which side by side looked gray-ish brown.. Doesn't matter at what angle I look at them. Dead on frontal view on the Sprint (which is it's best view) in comparison; the "better" screen is more than just better viewing angles, it's better in i.e. Emerson LCD vs Sony/Samsung LCD..
This is something you can not and don't notice, something you'd NEVER be aware of or disappointed about, if you didn't have both side by side to compare.
I'll see if I can get some pictures posted.
EDIT: Click on image to see the slideshow.. Enjoy
Good job. Clearly you have a goog screen on both. If you had a bad screen you would have noticed it on the first bootup. You pic slide show clearly shows great view angle. On a Bad screen you loose visability as soon as you tilt away from a direct frontal view.