I have read 100 posts on many diffrent threads, yet I'm still unable to find the best option. Many people claim certain methoda re best then 2 posts later say it dosent work.

I am looking for a "primer" from Startup/Soft reset, one that automatically primes the gps and all one has to do is open thier fav GPS nav software and get locks through there.
Currently I use GPS viewer, which works great!
However, I have to manually start up the application, select the port, click open gps, click warm start and wait for a lock on ( only takes 30secs-3mins normally ), then open my GPS nav software. This works 100% of the time, but is rather slow. I'm not lazy, however having a ppc device that works how you want it to is much more satisfiable.
I have tried GPStoday. Now, this is almost exactly what I am looking for. After a reset GPStoday automatically starts up, and all I have to do us start up my GPS Nav software and in about 60 seconds I have a lock.
However.... you can only do this once! when you close your GPS software, GPStoday stays running and keeps a lock on sats, which is cool, but once the phones shuts down in 30 seconds, or you turn off the screen, GPStoday then loses it lock after a couple of mins and GPS is then dead. GPS viewer cant even find the GPS on COM4 port! You have to soft reset the phone to get it to work again.
Has anyone else had this problem and maybe have a solution?
Now I'm not posting a " my GPS dont work!" It works awesome!
I am just looking for a better/faster/easier way to prime my GPS and
keep it primed.
Any suggestions are more then welcome!! Thanks!
Phone Info:
Ghettos v700 rom
3.37.10 radio
GPSkickstart drivers
HTC GPS enable drivers