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Old 05-09-2008, 11:36 PM
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Re: GPS on XV6700 and Verizon

my toy came in today, I ended up with the HOLUX 1000 GPS. I really like that it comes with the car charger and for 10 dollars you can get the ac adapter charger. Microsoft streets and trips recognized the device right away. Delorme solaras never found it. Which is a real shame as the delorme is a better program, it shows speed and direction which is very handy when I fly( I never use a handheld as primary source as it is illegal, but if you are flying visual and dead reconing, this makes it great to find where you are and how far it is from where you thought you were!!!!) I like how quick it finds the satellites. As small as it is, it is the next closest thing to the gps being in the phone. I will try to use it tomorrow on my motorcycle, which is what I was wanting the phone to work alone. I put the cellphone on the tank bag and go. We like to just ride and sometimes we get lost. The software which comes with the gadget will lock up and quit on the pda right after it goes into 3d mode. I might have too much running, even though I would think that the streets and trips would have a greater overhead. One quirk I noticed, is I have to do a soft reset to get the com port released.

I think this is a great toy, thank you very much weedahoe.

Last edited by aerospaced; 05-09-2008 at 11:39 PM.
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